Elsie Fabian School Registration Form

Elsie Fabian School Registration

Legal Name of Student

Enter the Legal Name of the student as it appears on official government-issued documents such as a birth certificate.

Preferred Name

A copy of a birth certificate or other government-issued document showing legal names, place of birth, and date of birth must be provided to the school office on or before the first day of school.

Choose File No file chosen
The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.

If a student attended school previously, indicate the name of the school and location (City and Province).

ASN will only be available if the student attended an Alberta School previously. New students will be provided an ASN once the registration is processed with Alberta Education.


If a Fort McMurray address is not available, please provide the current address. Do not enter a postal box, a street address is required.

Mailing Address

If different than home address

Mother / Step-Mother or Female Guardian Information

This information may be useful in case of an emergency.

A Mobile Phone number will be used first by the school to contact the mother or in case of emergency.

We will call this number if unable to reach you on the primary phone number.

Father / Step-Father / Male Guardian

Address (if different than student and mother)

Leave blank if same as student and mother.

This information may be useful in case of emergency.

The Mobile Phone number will be used first by the school to contact the father in case of emergency.

We will call this number if unable to reach you on the primary phone number,

Emergency Contact Information (Other than parents/guardians)

Provide information on emergency contact in case parents/guardians are not available.

Childcare Information

School Bus Information

Medical Information

A separate authorization form will be required to allow staff to administer medication and/or provide a specialized response to the medical alert. Please contact the school to discuss this if this applies.


The student was born in (Country, province/state/region, city)

Specialized Student Services

Aboriginal Student - Self Identification

The Aboriginal self-identification question helps determine the number of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students in school authorities. It is a voluntary choice for parents/guardians to identify the student as Aboriginal.

Permissions & Declarations

If you have any questions on any of these statements or declarations, please contact your school administration.