Fort McKay E-Learning School

Fort McKay E-Learning School Program Overview

Fort McKay E-Learning School (S. 2260) is a Federal First Nation Outreach School that serves both school aged and adult students enrolled in junior and senior high school (Grades 7 to 12).

The School provides instruction in accordance with the Programs of Study prescribed by the Minister of Education. Credits and Alberta High School Diplomas received through Fort McKay E-Learning School are recognized by Alberta Education.

E-Learning offers a blend of assisted self-paced instruction and independent learning. Teachers provide instructional material online and through Alberta Distance Learning print modules. Special Project Courses, Work Experience, The Registered Apprenticeship Program, Fashion Studies, Foods, Workshops, and Physical Education courses give students the opportunity to learn through hands-on experience and earn elective credits. E-Learning students have access to most high school courses.

Rational for E-Learning Outreach Program

At Fort McKay First Nation E-Learning School, we care about our students and want them to be successful. The school offers a structured alternative education program for students that is more flexible than a traditional high school environment. We can accommodate students who will be more successful in smaller school environment in their home community. Removing the barrier of a long commute to a large high school makes a big difference for a lot of students. 

At E-Learning we pride ourselves of cultivating a small, safe, and secure learning environment where each student can experience whatever success looks like for them.

Operating Hours

E-Learning has flexible hours and is open during the daytime and three nights per week.

  • Monday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Please reach out if you're interested or want to learn more

Casey Howlett, Education Manager
Mobile: 780-215-5868