E-Learning Registration Form

Registration Information

Registration is open for the 2022/2023 school year. We would love to welcome you to the Fort McKay First Nation E-Learning family.

2023/2024 Fort McKay E-Learning Registration Form

Student Information

Mother/Step-Mother/Female Guardian Information

(This information is useful in the event of an emergency)

Father/Step-Father/Male Guardian Information

(This information is useful in the event of an emergency)

Emergency Contact Information

Medical Information


Specialized Student Services

Aboriginal Student - Self Declaration

The Aboriginal self-identification question helps determine the number of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students in provincial school authorities. This information is collected during the student registration and annual verification process in public, separate, Francophone, charter, and Level 2 accredited funded private school authorities. It is a voluntary choice for parents/guardians to identify the student as Aboriginal.

Permission & Declarations